Would you consider each of them either⁷” captains of industry ‘or “robber barons”?

Unit 2.1 ,D.:B: Big Business

The rapid industrialization of the US economy in the late 19th century has been accredited to Big businessman like Andrew Carnegie JP Morgan, and John D Rockefeller. Well their business practices led to the growth of business and personal Fortune, it came at the expense of the laborer, who worked long hours for little pay.

Debate the success of these individuals by discussing the positive and negative social, economic, and political impacts of their business practices. This one side outweigh the other? Would you consider each of them either⁷” captains of industry ‘or “robber barons”?. He may analyze each person individually approve them together. Make sure to provide examples for each to support your answer.

Make sure to support all of your options with examples and or facts outside all sources used to develop your answers.

Readings and resources

Hamby, A. L., Neely, M. S., & Clack, D. (2009)., Outline of us history. New York Nova Scotia science publishers. Chapter 8 growth and transformation page 117 to 121 chapter 9 discontent and reform page 134 to 135 read the struggles of Labor
Possessive by Andrew Carnegie philanthropic respond responsibilities of the ranch and upper class*Carnegie, A, ( 1889) the gospel of wealth carnegie ”
corporation monopolies and trust / encyclopedia.com (2020). Exactly.com
Lazarus , E .. (1983) The New Colossus Liberty State Park
Nicholas , I. 2014) we know how to beat robbers barons. Progressive. 78 (7/8 )17-29
Adelmann , B.(2010) railroads, robber barons and unbridled new american, capitalism , near american, 26 (15),25- 18
This article is about the American federation of labor, which was a leading organization in the fight for labor rights
AFL-CIO(2019) our labor history timeline , key people that hit labor history, key events and labor history.