How does the graph y = tan x evolve when x goes from 0° to 90° and from 90° to 270°?

Unité 2: La représentation de fonctions

Travail formatif 2.1 (Section 1 et 2)

Section 1: Comparison of functions.

Section 2: Graphs of sine and cosine functions.

Question 1: Sketch the following functions and then determine the domain, image, y-intercept, x-intercept, and whether it is an increasing or decreasing function.





Question 2:  The chess club is holding a bake sale one lunchtime a week to raise money for the end-of-year trip to Stratford. If the chess club sells 65 baked goods per week, the club makes a profit of $3 per baked good. By reducing the profit by $0.5 per baked good, the chess club can sell 20 more baked goods per week. The equation  represents the relationship between profit per bakery per week and the number of $0.5 discounts.

Sketch the graph of the relationship.

Determine the domain, image, y-intercept, x-intercept, and whether it is an increasing or decreasing function.

Question 3:  Indicate whether the graph is periodic or non-periodic. Justify your decision.



Question 4:  Determine the period and amplitude of the functions below.




Question 5: Sketch a graph of a periodic function with the period and amplitude shown.

a) A period of 6 and an amplitude of 4.

b) A period of 3 and an amplitude of 5.

Question 6 :   Answer sub questions 1) to 3) about the periodic function shown here.

Describe how you would determine the period of the function.

Describe how you would determine:


b)  f(5)

c)  f(8)

d)  f(13)

Describe how you would determine the magnitude of the function.

Question 7:

The period of a function, f(x), is 12. If f(7) = -2 and f(11) = 9, find the value of

a) f(43)

b) f(79)

c) f(-1)

Question 8: Mid-season maximum temperatures were recorded for three years in Dorset, Ontario. The results are shown here.

a) Plot a graph of temperatures versus dates. Draw a periodic function that represents the data as accurately as possible.

b) Use the graph to approximate the period and amplitude of the function.

Season Date Température (C)
Winter 5 février 1998 -9
Spring 2 mai 1998 16
Summer 3 août 1998 25
Fall 2 novembre 1998 3
Winter 5 février 1999 -10
Spring 2 mai 1999 17
Summer 3 août 1999 27
Fall 2 novembre 1999 3
Winter 5 février 2000 -10
Spring 2 mai 2000 16
Summer 3 août 2000 26
Fall 2 novembre 2000 3


 Question 9 :

Draw the graph y = tan x in the Cartesian plane below.

Indicate if the representation is a function. Justify.

Is the function periodic?   If yes, what is the period?

How does the graph y = tan x evolve when x goes from 0° to 90° and from 90° to 270°?

What is the value of tan x when x = 90° and when x = 270°?

What is the maximum value of y?

Quelle est la valeur minimale de y?

What is the y-intercept?

What are the abscissae at the origin?

Determine the domain and image of the function.