Identify the following items (if possible). If you can’t tell, then say so this often happens when we read about a survey.

Applied Statistics to Social Science

1) What type of Variable? Categorical or Numerical. If numerical, is it discrete or continuous?

Types of diseases

Ticket Price ($)



Music Beats

San Francisco (City)

Wage Rate ($/hour)

Amount of Sugar in a cup of coffee (grams)

Weight (pounds)

Social Class (Low Income, Middle Income, High Income)

Define a survey with 10 questions about a presidential race.

Give an example of “poor wording” when designing a survey about a presidential race.

Give an example of non-response bias in a survey of a presidential race.

Identify the following items (if possible). If you can’t tell, then say so this often happens when we read about a survey.

The population

The population parameter of interest

The sampling frame

The sample

The sampling method, including whether or not randomization was employed

Any potential sources of bias you can detect any problems using generalizing to the population of interest

Researchers waited outside a bar they had randomly selected from a list of such establishments. They stopped every 10th person who came out of the bar and asked whether he or she thought drinking and driving was a serious problem.

6) Bob is a taxi driver who keeps a record of his meter readings. The result of the past twenty- meter readings are given in miles:

328, 333, 358, 400, 433, 520, 340, 455, 465, 300,

280, 512, 425, 328, 395, 433, 395, 448, 390, 260

Make a stem and leaf plot.

7)  Alexandra took a survey during 4th hour about what students enjoyed doing most. Here is what they responded:

S= Sleep, TV= Television, SP=Sports, F=Friends, V=Videos

S  TV  TV  F  F  V  F  F  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP

S  S  F  SP  TV  F  TV  SP  F  S  F  SP  S  TV

Make a pie chart.

Make a bar chart.

Sports: Dog Sled Racing- How long does it take to finish the 1161- mile Iditarod Dog Sled Racing from Anchorage to Nome Alaska. The finish times to the nearest hour for 57 dogsled teams are given below:

261 271 236 244 279 296 284 299 288 288 247 256

338 360 341 333 261 266 287 296 313 311 307 307

299 303 277 283 304 305 288 290 288 289 287 299

332 330 309 328 307 328 285 291 295 298 306 315

310 318 318 320 333 321 323 324 327

Make a histogram using five classes.