Explain the purpose and importance of each section within the job description.

Job Design

For this assignment, you will create the job description using the information from your Job Analysis assignment in Week 2. The job analysis is a critical step in the process for a job description to be reliable and useful. Remember, as an HR leader, you would typically have input from more than one position questionnaire to complete a job analysis.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

Read Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook, Job and Work Analysis.

You may consider reviewing Chapter 4 in the textbook, Job and Work Analysis.

Using the job analysis that you conducted for the Week 2 assignment,

Determine the appropriate design for the position.

Analyze the various elements required for creating a job description for the specific position. Consider addressing the following to get started:

What would this person do and to what extent?

What is the job title and purpose?

What education or skills are required?

What duties and responsibilities are required?

What are the working conditions?

Create a job description that includes the information defined in the job analysis.

Provide a rationale for the chosen design.

Explain the purpose and importance of each section within the job description.

Support your reasoning with at least two credible or professional resources.