Research what the City has been doing to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.

Assignment 2 – Sustainable City Tourism Research



 The Editor of “Travel+Leisure” (link is above), one of the world’s largest and most reputable online travel “magazines” has contacted you.  She has heard that you are studying tourism, and she asked you to prepare an article about sustainable tourism in your favourite City.

Specifically, she has asked you write an article which requires you to do the following:

Choose one of your favorite tourist City … a City you have already been to or a City you would like to travel to. You must choose a City … not a “region”.

Briefly describe your City (including the name).  You might include facts such as population size, any interesting demographics; general location/terrain; natural or historic features; some historical facts; fun facts; cool things that happen there; etc.

Discuss the cultural environment -What are the customs and traditions of your City?  What makes your City or community unique?  These could be things like sports, flea markets, celebrations or festivals (arts, music, food), museums, etc.  (5 marks)

Research what the City has been doing to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable. From your research, identify the top 3 actions that the City is taking to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.  (6 marks)

For each of the 3 actions you identify, discuss whether you agree (or disagree) with the action they are taking, and explain why you agree or disagree. (3 marks)

Discuss in detail one other action you would recommend that the City take to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable and explain why you are making this recommendation. This must not be an action already discussed in  3 above.  (5 marks)

Within this city, select one hotel (be specific) and research 2 sustainable practices which they have incorporated into their business. (4 marks)