What will be your relationship with the community, parents, teaching colleagues and administration?

EDUC 2130: Philosophy of Education

Section 1: Introduction.

Write one paragraph, on-page maximum length, double-spaced.

What is your analogy for the education profession?

How does your analogy (e.g., “The Drill Sergeant”: Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document?

Section 2: Why You Teach (Refer to Chapter 2 in Dr. Brown’s Course Ref. Material)

Write two or three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced

What is the purpose of education?

Which philosophical beliefs do you support (Complete the Philosophic Inventory, Chapter 2, Dr. Brown’s Reference Material)?

What is your role as a teacher?

Section 3: Whom You Teach

Write three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced.

What is the student’s role in his/her education?

How will you reach the diverse children in your classroom?

What will be your relationship with the community, parents, teaching colleagues and administration?

Section 4: How and what you teach?

Write two paragraphs, one page, double-spaced.

What are your beliefs about how children learn?

How do your beliefs affect classroom management, instructional strategies, curriculum design/content, and assessment?

Section 5: Conclusion

Write one paragraph, one-half page, double-spaced.

What is an analogy?


What is your analogy of the education profession?
Educational Philosophy

Assignment Dropbox. Section 2. Why You Teach

What is the purpose of education?

Which philosophical beliefs do you support? (Remember to complete the philosophic inventory.)

What is your role as a teacher?