Identify and assess community health status, demographics and social conditions that impact health

Assessment 1: Planning in Health and Social Care Start Assignment


The assessment focusses on your understanding of the goals, principles and approaches to health planning by reflecting on your experience or observation of a planning process.


This assessment task addresses these subject learning objectives:

A. Evaluate local circumstances and use evidence based health planning principles, frameworks and processes.

B. Identify and assess community health status, demographics and social conditions that impact health

C. Determine the issues impacting health planning and health plan evaluation, including enabling and impeding factors.

Briefly describe the example of planning you are using, and the types of activities and resources involved.

What was the goal(s) of the planning process in terms of improving health? How do you think ‘health’ defined and needs identified (if at all)?

Which of planning principles guided the process and how was that demonstrated? Did any dominate the process?

Reflect on the challenges involved in the planning process and what could have been done better.

What alternative activities and information could have been considered?