What changes might you consider in addressing the problem?


You have now spent 3 full weeks working on an identified practice problem. You have spent time with your team and preceptor at your practicum site, and you have begun to evaluate the scope of the problem and need for change. Based on your experiences in these first 4 weeks, what is working? What is not working? What has or has not worked in the past?

For this Discussion, you will consider your identified practice problem to help define and refine the work that you have done thus far. Consider what is working, what is not working, your stakeholders, and what has worked and has not worked in the past. Review the evidence gathered to determine how you might need to refine your identified practice problem.
Post a response discussing your selected practice problem. After meeting with your team, describe the following:

What is currently working?
What has not worked?
What changes might you implement?
What changes might you consider in addressing the problem?
Are these changes supported by evidence?