Analyze a character from A Raisin in the Sun in a well-organized essay.

Essay 2: Character Analysis

Rhetorical Situation:

Purpose: To analyze a character from A Raisin in the Sun in a well-organized essay. This essay should analyze the internal workings of a character- motivation, personality, and how these factors shape/determine the events and ultimate outcome of the work.

Therefore, consider what the character says and how he or she interacts with others. To some extent, analysis means treating characters as if they are real people who think, act, and feels as we do. It is important, however, to limit analysis only to what can be supported in the text.

Audience: General but consider an audience who would be familiar with the basic plot of the play. Therefore, there is no need to give extensive plot summary.

Conventions: Use MLA format including both in-text citations and “Work Cited” page. Maintain an academic tone. Use third person point of view and avoid contractions and slang. 4 full pages plus a work cited page.

Prewriting Suggestion: Once you choose a character to analyze, use the character traits list for a reference. Consider how the character’s personality traits are revealed through his or her thoughts, speech, and actions throughout the play. Make a list out what the character says, does, fails to say, fails to do, and what others say about that character that support your analysis of the character. Make lists or use whatever technique will help you begin to formulate and organize your ideas.

Essay Organization Suggestion: Give a brief plot summary in the introduction. Use body paragraphs to describe major personality features of the character. Include textual evidence that supports or demonstrates those features and follow up with commentary that expounds on the textual evidence and connects the features to the overall theme of the text. The conclusion should summarize the major points of the essay and make final commentary on the character’s impact on the plot or theme.