What could you do to more directly connect with/engage/participate with people in the community and empower them in the relationship with you?

Community Engagement

Section A: Reflection after the Walk

Think about your impressions from the walk as you address the following questions. You may
first want to use a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis as you process
the community as a participant or a visitor.

Then, you might want to switch to a more participatory community mapping perspective to look closely at the community’s assets and capacities.

You can also include human talents/skills development and the social/emotional,
spiritual, cultural, information/communication, physical, environmental, and political domains.

You should write and reflect on the following:

Written Assignment

Answer the following questions in no more than 2 double-spaced pages.

1. What was your reaction to this experience of community engagement?
Was there anything that came out during the walk that was unexpected or surprised you?

Did your picture of the community change as a result of your walk? In what way?

Did you feel more or less connected to the community after the walk? Why?

What could you do to more directly connect with/engage/participate with people in the
community and empower them in the relationship with you?