Examine your current water use and then examine several lifestyle changes that could reduce your overall water usage.

EVR1001C- Lab: Water use and conservation

In this activity, examine your current water use and then examine several lifestyle changes that could reduce your overall water usage.

To do this you’ll be using an online water calculator that asks you to provide some information about water-using activities and uses this information to calculate your overall water use. Download and save to your computer the “Water Use and Conservation Activity Sheet.” You will be using it throughout the rest of this lab and will be submitting it. Now, use the water calculator to examine water use in your household, completing the Water Use and Conservation Activity Sheet as you progress.

Water Use Calculator

Before proceeding, review the following brochure from the U.S. EPA, which describes concepts about general water usage in the U.S.

How We Use Water in These United States

Next, review the following brochure from the U.S. EPA before proceeding, which describes the breakdown of water use in a typical home and offers simple suggestions for improving water efficiency.

Using Water Wisely in the Home