Should English language classes in the Bahamas focus more on Bahamian dialect in addition to teaching standard English?

Issues related to Bahamian Creole-English: should English language classes in the bahamas focus more on Bahamian dialect in addition to teaching standard English

Video Documentary – “talking black in America: Roots”


Chanti Seymour’s short essay: Bahamian creole English: whole not broken

Write an Academic argumentative essay on issues related to Bahamian creole-English

Approaches to consider for the argumentative essay

1. Should Bahamas make Bahamian dialect/Bahamian creole English the National language of the country?

2. Should English language classes in the Bahamas focus more on Bahamian dialect in addition to teaching standard English?

3. Should students in the bahamas be allowed to write their essays in Bahamian dialect/Bahamian creole English?

Video documentary