What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR strategies?

Healthcare response 1


Read each sections question and response. Respond to each sections response in 150 words.


What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR challenges?

What are some current and future HR issues in health care?

How may effective HR management handle these issues?


What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR strategies?

What are some current and future HR issues in health care?

How may effective HR management handle these issues?


What is a current legal challenge in health care? How would you respond to this challenge as a healthcare manager?

What is a current ethical challenge in health care? How would you respond to this challenge as a healthcare manager?

Do you perceive your identified legal or ethical issue as a bigger issue? Explain your answer.


Current legal challenges in health care?

Current ethical challenges in health care?

Legal vs. Ethical. Which is bigger?

Buchbinder, Sharon B., Shanks, Nancy H., & Kite, Bobbie J. (2021). Introduction to health care management (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett LeAarning. https://lccn.loc.gov/2019019012