What skills appear to be needed to help the gambler successfully meet essential needs?

Discussion 4

1. Considering that problematic gambling can be an attempt to cope, describe how problematic gambling is related to the following: self-esteem, interpersonal relationships/interactions, work/recreation and unresolved grief.

What is the gambler expressing emotionally by gambling? In reviewing the gambler’s family history, how may s/he be continuing early patterns established in the family that relate to self-deprivation, personal victimization, and abusive, uncaring behavior towards others?

What significant stresses is the client dealing with in life (acknowledge or unacknowledged)? What skills appear to be needed to help the gambler successfully meet essential needs?

2. How can a counselor be sure to determine that a client is not suicidal versus engaging in nonsuicidal self-injurous behaviors? Why is this important?