What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional shareholder network?


Watch the following Ted Talk on Leadership

https://www.ted.com/talks/roselinde_torres_what_it… (Links to an external site.)

and answer the following questions (250 word minimum writing submission)-

1) Do you agree with the speaker that there are serious leadership gaps in society (business, government, etc.)? Why do you believe this (cite example/s-make sure it is an article footnoted at bottom of submission)?

2) Of the three questions the speaker poses (see questions a-c below), which is the most interesting to you and why? What impact does it potentially have in your life if you are using or will start using?

a) Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or in your own life?

b) What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional shareholder network?

c) Are you courageous enough to abandon a practice that has made you successful in the past?