What are some limitations of Antivirus tools used to counter malware.

Wk 2 – Apply: Malware Attacks

Assignment Content

Malware is one of the most common and concerning sources of incidents for organizations. It is used by hackers to gain entry into networks, elevate privileged and exfiltrate sensitive information such as personal and financial information. As can be seen from this Malware Report from CIS, most common variants of malware at any given time are constantly changing due to current circumstances.

Develop a 2- to 3-page paper on malware types and methods of defense.

Complete the following in your document:

Describe the 6 main types of malware.

Perform Internet research and identify and describe a specific piece of actual malware for one of those types.

Describe 3 indicators or symptoms of a malware infection

What are some limitations of Antivirus tools used to counter malware.

Remember, organized sections with headings make the document easy for others to follow under potentially stressful situations.