Was background information sufficient enough to place project in 5 6 7   8   9   10 broad disciplinary context?

Biology Research Proposal – Prefer American and someone experienced

Was background information sufficient enough to place project in 5 6 7   8   9   10 broad disciplinary context?

Did the background info lead logically & clearly to the hypotheses? 5 6 7   8   9   10

Is the slide format distracting? (patterns, designs) 5 6 7   8   9   10

Is it easy to read the text? (font size? color?) 5 6 7   8   9   10

Was the presenter using the text as a guide (best) or reading 5 6 7   8   9   10 directly from the slides (poor)?


Were methods described clearly and with appropriate detail? 5 6 7   8   9   10

Were graphics used appropriately to illustrate the set-up? 5   6 7   8   9   10


Overall, how effective were the techniques graphics of delivery? 5 6 7   8   9   10

Did the speaker convey a thorough understanding of his/her 5 6 7   8   9   10 project, clearly explaining all aspects of the work, including the connections between individual goals and current knowledge in the discipline?