Identify the primary key and its dependencies, partial dependencies and transitive dependencies.

 Database report

First Normal Form – Identify all rows

Create a table with all rows identified for your data, eliminating the repeating value.

Include the table or a screenshot of the table in your report.

You can create the table in the text editor you use to write the report. If the table is too wide to fit, you can use a smaller font or you can break the columns in two. Also, you may create the table in some other editor and take a picture, and include the picture.

First Normal Form – Identify all columns

Identify all the attributes (columns) in your data table. At this step, you must keep all the attributes in a single table.

Be sure you divide the composite attributes. You must divide the composite attributes based on the typical use of such data. Try to anticipate how the customer will use the information.

Include the table or a screenshot of your table in the report.

You can create the table in the text editor you use to write the report. If the table is too wide to fit, you can use a smaller font or you can break the columns in two. Also, you may create the table in some other editor and take a picture, and include the picture.

First Normal Form – Dependencies

Identify the primary key and its dependencies, partial dependencies and transitive dependencies.

Draw the dependency diagram using any graphical editor (Powerpoint, Word, …). Mark the PK with a different color. Mark distinctly the partial dependencies from the transitive dependencies.

At this step you will have a single entity with all the attributes in the dependency diagram.

Include the diagram in your report. You can include a picture of it.

See the video for wide diagrams. You can write the name of the attributes vertically.

Second Normal Form

Convert the first normal form in second normal form. Draw the new dependency diagram. Include the 2NF diagram in your report.

Third Normal Form

Convert the second normal form in third normal form. Draw the new dependency diagram. Include the 3NF diagram in your report.

Improved Third Normal Form

How you can further improve the obtained diagram? Provide at least one improvement idea and improve the diagram based on it.