Do you have a personal septic tank or is there a sewage management facility in your community?

Sewage and wastewater treatment


Do you know how sewage is handled in your home? Do you have a personal septic tank or is there a sewage management facility in your community? In this assignment you will explore both.

Part 1: Septic Tanks

People who live too far from urban areas will not have drainage pipes connecting their waste water to a sewage treatment plant. In this case septic tanks are used. Do some online research and explain in about a paragraph how septic tanks works? What are some environmental dangers with regard to septic tanks? This should take up to 250 words.

Be sure to use your own words and cite and reference any quotes!

Part 2: Wastewater Treatment

If you live in an urban area your water will most likely be treated at a facility. As discussed in the lesson, there are several ways to treat wastewater and the sludge resulting from the treatment process. Wastewater is often released in different areas depending on where you live.

Go to the NYC website that explains how New York handles the waste water of millions of residents: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. You can do this in paragraph form or by providing bulleted/numbered answers to each question:

What are the stages of waste water treatment

What is used to disinfect the final water before release?

Where is the wastewater released?

What methods are used to treat sludge?

What happens to the biogas that is created during sludge treatment?