How quickly will this plan be implemented-Who are the parties that will need to be involved?

Employee Culture Shift Project

The learning tool for this project is called AdobeSpark. Use this link to create a free account Adobe Spark is now Adobe Express. AdobeSpark is a great learning tool and has many different templates to help you maximize creativity for this final project. allow time for you to focus on the final project. Here are a few examples of AdobeSpark presentations  have created  in the past:


You have just been promoted to Chief People Officer for a major corporation. Their employee handbook is outdated and has not been a central focus for the company. Many employees are unhappy with the culture of the company and feel it has not adapted to the times. Stress levels are high, retention is low, pay structure has not been looked at in years, and the teams feels their basic needs are not being met.

The current CEO has a “if it is not broken, we do not need to fix it” attitude and has not been open to ideas from staff in the past. Employees are being overworked with only one day off per week, not to mention they work all major holidays leaving little time for family.

There is no current employee recognition program or formal method of employee evaluation. Raises were last given out six years ago. The women in the company feel underdeveloped and unnoticed. Current company issues are investigated by the CEO, with no formal process for resolving employee concerns.

Create a formal 30-60-90 day plan to rectify these issues and develop a formal presentation to present to the CEO. Use your textbook as a resource to help you develop your thoughts and ideas. What new programs will you put into play? How will you improve employee satisfaction? Break your plan down into goals for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days.

How quickly will this plan be implemented? Who are the parties that will need to be involved? What method will you use to conduct employee feedback? How will you deliver the new programs to the team? You have full creative control on this assignment. This project is worth 45 points of your final grade. Your presentation should not exceed more than 5-10 minutes of material (Time yourself doing a mock presentation).

Looking for certain elements we have covered in the course in your presentations. goal is to demonstrate understanding of the material and its’ application in the workplace. Use graphics, c videos, or any tool that helps illustrate your plan to turn the companies people agenda around.