What are the two main findings when you look at the wage gap for Black women?

Black workers in America

1 Chisolm, born in Brooklyn, New York, was always aware of racial and gender inequality, and while attending Brooklyn College, her professors encouraged her to consider a political career, yet she replied that she faced a “double handicap” as both Black and female. Why might she have felt this way?

Black women describe “emotional tax” as being a negative result of microaggressions within the office. What is it and how does it impact their ability to succeed in the workplace?

What are the two main findings when you look at the wage gap for Black women? (To answer this question you want to compare the earnings of Black women to other groups of women.) State the findings (use the data provided) and explain what each finding means.

Pamela Nonga Ngue, senior digital content specialist at Lean In, says that the lack of support Black women receive at work can be linked to affinity bias. What is it and why is it so prominent within many organizations? How does it prevent Black women from advancing?

Race can contribute to discriminatory behavior by employers within the workplace. Often these behaviors are based on stereotypes and/or assumptions. Name at least two of these assumptions and explain how or why they negatively impact Black women within an organization.

There are two major claims filed by both Black and White women within the workplace. What are they? Explain the reasons for each claim.