Which of the graphs do you think conveys the distribution better? Explain.

Practical Exercise

Complete the following questions and problems and then save it as a PDF as LastName FirstInitial PE1 – For example, James Kemper would be “Kemper J PE1.” Any graphs or other documents should also be submitted in PDF format. For example, “Kemper J Graph 1.”

Questions related to Chapter 2:

Using the data set “STD Cases and Rate in by Public Health Region in 2018” to answer the following questions.

For all the health districts, what was the mean (average) rate of cases per 100k people for:

Using the total of all cases of gonorrhea, if you picked a random case from all the cases of gonorrhea in 2018, what is the probability that the case would be from Region 1? What is the probability if you use cases per 100k?

If you picked one random case of each of the three STDs from the cases per 100k, what is the probability that all three STD cases will be from Region 10?

What is the factorial of 6?

At a particular clinic, 20% of patients are on Medicaid and 30% are on Medicare. Out of all the patients on Medicare, 40% of those are on Medicaid. If a patient at the clinic is on Medicaid, what is the probability they are also on Medicare?

Use the data set “Lubbock County COVID-19 Cases March 2020 to December 2020” to answer the following questions. This is a large data set; you should probably save it to your computer before working with it.

Questions related to Chapter 3:

List the following for the entire sample:

The mean of age:

The standard deviation for age:

What is the probability that a positive case of COVID-19 was above 65?

Questions related to Chapter 4:

Using excel, create a descriptive statistics summary table and histogram of the age variable (you may paste your table and histogram here or make a separate PDF).

Using the same bins from question 1, create a pie graph of the age variable. (you may paste your pie graph here or make a separate PDF).

Which of the graphs do you think conveys the distribution better? Explain.