Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Writing Question

Summarizing Becoming a Strategic Leader chapters (60 points).

Do the following for any 2 of the Chapters 3 through 7 of Becoming a Strategic Leader: Summarize each chapter in no more than 300 words for that chapter. In other words, you could for example have summaries of Chapter 4 with 299 words and Chapter 6 with 254 words Think of this activity as your communicating to a leader of any type of organization what the main point(s) of the chapter are. Be sure to include and explain what you feel are the major concepts or ideas from a particular chapter that you select.

Further examples for a concept or idea from Becoming a Strategic Leader book (20 points).

Take any two concepts or ideas described in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Disagreement with Becoming a Strategic Leader book (10 points).

Take any idea or concept presented in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book that you disagree with and explain why you disagree with it. Be sure to cite the idea or concept and where it is located in the book. Further, be sure to explain your reasoning for this disagreement.note: It is acceptable to disagree with anything in the book; what matters is your explanation for your disagreement.