What characteristics of the chosen data collection method make it appropriate for collecting this data?

6-1 Journal: Research Questions and Data Collection Methods

In this assignment, you will explore the relationship between research questions and data collection methods. You will also explore the benefits and drawbacks of specific data collection methods.


Qualitative methodology

Research Question 1.How do the physical and psychological health conditions of victims of human trafficking differ from those of non-victims?

Quantitative methodology.

Research Question 2
Human trafficking is prevalent, but how prevalent is it?

Mixed-Methodology Approach
Research Question 3

What are the determinants of health outcomes among victims of human trafficking?


Consider what data you will need to answer each question and whether the data method is appropriate for getting the data you need. Consider both benefits and drawbacks to each method.

Review the Module Four Resources in both Key Types of Data Collection and Social Science Data Collection Types for helpful information for completing this assignment.

Explain your choice of data collection method for each question from your project three milestone assignment. Include answers to the following:

What data method did you select for each question?

What data do you need to answer each question?

What characteristics of the chosen data collection method make it appropriate for collecting this data?

Explain other benefits and drawbacks of the data collection method you chose for each question from your project three milestone assignment.

What are other potential benefits of the data collection method you chose for each question (that is, ways it will make the process easier or ways it might improve the results)?

What are potential drawbacks to the data collection method you chose for each question (that is, potential gaps in data, possible difficulties in the research process, possible negative impact to the results)?