Write 400-450 words on what you learned or what was highlighted for you through this activity.

Spoon Theory

Fill out the attached excel spreadsheet. The goal of this activity is to manage your life as best possible without overusing the spoons you have at your disposal.

Column A provides the activity you engage in and column B indicates the number of spoons each of those activities takes. For example, by simply getting out of bed (1 spoon) and coming to class (4 spoons) you are spending 5 spoons. If you have to drive to campus you are using another 3 spoons.

For column C (the Thursday where you have 30 spoons available) use a normal Thursday where you are attending class.

For the full week (columns D-J) where you only have 12 spoons available each day you are at least attending class with me on Tuesday/Thursday. As you move through the week indicate how many spoons you are starting with each day in row 4.

If you go over your allotment of spoons, you will run a deficit the next day. For each spoon you go over by, you will lose two spoons the next day (e.g., if you use 13 spoons on Monday, you’ll only have 10 on Tuesday). If you do not use all of your spoons, you do not get to carry them over with you to the next day (e.g., if you only use 11 spoons on Monday, you still only have 12 on Tuesday).

In column K fill in your spoon usage as if we were back in remote instruction (and in the height of Covid precautions) as if you only had 12 spoons to use. Again, this is for a Thursday when know you’re at least attending class (4 spoons), but you may not have to get out of bed.

At the bottom of the sheet write 400-450 words on what you learned or what was highlighted for you through this activity. Apply at least one grand theory to your analysis of this experience.