Do you think that these arguments or images would have appealed to people in France or Britain at the time? Why or why not?

Primary source

Read the selections, Jules Ferry, “Speech Before the French National Assembly,” and “Advertisements and Illustrations from British Books and Periodicals,” available on the course Blackboard page and then answer the following questions.

Answer the questions using complete sentences and paragraphs with proofreading for proper spelling and grammar. You will probably need a paragraph or two to answer each question.

When quoting from the sources, include the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence, after the period. You should not need to use any sources from outside the course, but if you do, please give a full citation, including a full url for online sources.

Very briefly introduce the primary sources. What are the primary sources, who produced them and when?

How does Jules Ferry justify French imperialism? Or, why, according to Ferry, does France need to expand its colonial possessions? Explain at least three examples using evidence from the primary source.

Analyze one of the images from, “Advertisements and Illustrations from British Books and Periodicals,” and analyze it as an historian of imperialism. What views of the colonized peoples are presented in the image? What view of the colonizers is presented in the images? Do you find any of Ferry’s justifications of imperialism reflected in the images?

Do you think that these arguments or images would have appealed to people in France or Britain at the time? Why or why not?