What are the components that are essential for food complex mix combinations?


Chapter 1(nutrition fundamentals)

Review Tyrone Green diet and daily routine that is contributing to prediabetes, hypertension that increases risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

What are the five sets of reference standards that make up the Dietary Reference Intakes?

What are the components that are essential for food complex mix combinations?


Explain what the recommended dietary allowance represents?

What eating patterns are associated with positive health outcomes?

What eating patterns are associated with bad health outcomes?

What is the quality of U.S. diet today?

What is the purpose of Healthy People 2030?

Name some lifestyle risks factors for chronic disease?

What are the potential benefits for nutrigenomics?

Chapter 2 (guidelines for healthy eating)

Review Aurea ulcerative colitis and her concerns of eating healthy food due to her diet recommendation by her GI doctor. She is concerned about risk for chronic disease as she ages.  Review this case study and write your recommendations for good health outcomes keeping her in remission with her diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.

What does health eating mean to you?

State the four broad guidelines of the Dietary Guidelines for American 2020-2025 and recommendations for each guideline?

What is Healthy U.S.-Style Eating Pattern?

What is the recommended eating patterns?

Compare Health U.S.-Style Eating Patterns with a typical American eating pattern today?

Give 3 examples of nutrient-dense foods?

Describe what the Plate graphic is.

List nutritional attributes and potential health benefits associated with the Plate food groups. The nutritional 4 attributes are vegetable, fruit, protein, grains.

Review the need for oil in your diet. Compare saturated fat unsaturated fat?

Chapter 3 (carbohydrates)

Review Krista Larson chronic constipation with her current diet. Discus her use of laxatives and how a diet change can help.

What are the classifications of carbohydrates?

Identify sources of carbohydrates?

What is a simple sugar?

What is a complex carbohydrate?

What is a starch?

What is a monosaccharide?

What is glucose?

What is fructose?

What is galactose?

What is disaccharide?

What is a complex carbohydrate?

What is glycogen?

What is Fiber?

Compare soluble fiber to an insoluble fiber.

What are sources of carbohydrates?

How does the body handle carbohydrates?

Describe metabolism and how the body metabolizes food.

What is the glycemic response?

What is the glycemic load (GL)?

How do we prevent ketosis?

What is protein sparing?

What is the Dietary Reference Intake?

State what the anatomy of a grain is and benefits.

Read LABELS about nutrition FACTS. Why?