What is the surface temperature of the lamb if the center of the lamb’s meat is 165°F?

Heat Transfer Project

Pictured below is a traditional method of roasting a whole lamb.
A motor turns the lamb. Assume the lamb weighs 30 pounds and will be cooked to 165°F (74°C) in the center of the meat. The lamb can be modeled as a cylinder (Please consider: is there meat in the center of the lamb?) For the first 30 minutes the lamb will be 4 inches from the coals, then the lamb should be raised higher from the coals.

For the spit method you are to:
1) Develop an analytic model with equations which describes the cooking process (this may include conduction, convection and radiation).

2) List your assumptions and parameters  they must be reasonable.

a. The height above the coals.

b. The internal temperature of the lamb.

c. The dimensions of the cylinder used as a model for the lamb.

d. The RPM of the motor.

3) Solve the equations and determine the following: What is the surface temperature of the lamb if the center of the lamb’s meat is 165°F?

4) Write your results as an engineering report. (Introduction, assumptions, equations, analysis, results and conclusions).