Do they tend to specialize or are they generalists dabbling in various forms of deviance as opportunity permits?

Essay Exam 3

Questions from each chapter of the text are listed below. Pick one question from each chapter. use numbers below to organize your responses.

Select one question from Chapter 9:

9.1 List the assumptions of Marxist and conflict theories. Provide questions this type of research might ask.

9.2 Discuss common criticisms of Marxist and conflict theories.

9.3 Discuss the application of conflict theories to the criminal justice system.

One from Chapter 10:

10.1 Compare and contrast the three areas of peacemaking criminology and how they approach the study of crime and criminals.

10.2 Summarize the idea of restorative justice.

10.3 Consider the three critical approaches to crime and deviance discussed in the text, feminist criminology, Critical Race Theory, and peacemaking criminology. Which do you prefer? Explain why in three to five sentences.

One from Chapter 11:

11.1 Select a behavior that was defined as deviant in the past and is now defined as sickness. Discuss the change over time in what we call those who engage in this behavior, who responds to this behavior, how we respond to this behavior, and how we view the personal responsibility of those who engage in this behavior.

11.2 Summarize the purpose of criminal sanctions as identified by Hagan.

11.3 Compare and contrast the prison system in the United States with the prison system in Norway. Could the United States create prisons based on the Norway prison system? Explain.

And one for Chapter 12, for a total of 4 short essays:

12.1 Select a deviant behavior. Describe that behavior in terms of onset, escalation/continuation, and desistance.

12.2 Describe the socially interactive stages related to becoming a marijuana user that Becker discussed in his 1953 marijuana use study. How is this process like every other kind of learning?

12.3 What does research suggest about deviants overall? Do they tend to specialize or are they generalists dabbling in various forms of deviance as opportunity permits?