Does the community have the right to know and perhaps even dictate where sex offenders live and work? Why or why not?

18. Defining and Controlling Deviance

This assignment includes information from the current and an earlier chapter. In particular, you are asked to apply Lombroso’s “born criminal” and Sheldon’s “mesomorph” typologies.

Your Assignment:

Based on these typologies, tell us who is and is not a sex offender among the group above. Justify your response, with references to the text and additional research.

Of these 12 images, how many would you guess have been convicted of sexual molestation of a child? Given what you know, which is admittedly very little, which of these people is NOT a sexual offender?

Do you see a completely innocent individual among this bunch?

Among other things, your discussions can center on the use of physical characteristics in identifying criminals and the stereotypes that predominate within our society concerning offender appearances.

Search for sex offender registries online. Reflect on what information is provided and then consider the idea of collateral consequences.

Should sex offenders be treated differently than other violent offenders? Why or why not?

Does the community have the right to know and perhaps even dictate where sex offenders live and work? Why or why not?

Do you think civil commitment of sex offenders is appropriate? Why or why not?

Isn’t this particular punishment different? Time-served followed by punishment for life? Have we gone too far?