Identify which decision-making model you may apply to the ethical dilemma to guide working with the client in the scenario.

Wk 3 – Personal Boundaries and Ethical Decision-Making [due Mon]
Assignment Content

To prepare for working with justice-involved individuals, the best way to protect yourself from failing due do ethical issues is to think through dilemmas ahead of time and know how to establish your personal boundaries.

Imagine you have been tasked with educating new support services workers on how to resolve ethical dilemmas.

Write a 525- to 700-word handout designed to offer guidance to the new support service workers. Include the following:

Identify a specific ethical dilemma that might be encountered by a support service worker. Use examples from your local news or the textbook for ideas, if needed.

Describe how personal boundaries may assist the worker with the ethical dilemma.

Identify the ethical codes that may apply to the situation.

Identify which decision-making model you may apply to the ethical dilemma to guide working with the client in the scenario.

Describe how this decision-making model can facilitate your ability to maintain ethical practices in human service and criminal justice fields.