What was the political unrest that was occurring in Judea before, during and after Jesus’ life?



Jesus’ World

Who was Jesus? Where was he born? When?

What religion/culture was Jesus raised in?

Where did he live most of his life?

What was Galilee like?

What type of job did Jesus likely have?

What happens at the end of Jesus’ life?

The Roman Empire: Religion, Society and Culture

What are some features of Roman Religion as it was practiced during Jesus’ life?

What was the status of Judaism in the Roman Empire during Jesus’ life?

What was the political unrest that was occurring in Judea before, during and after Jesus’ life?

Who was Herod the Great? Who was Herod Archelaus?

Who was Pontius Pilate? What was his role in Judea?

Who was Caligula? And what did he do in 37 CE?

What was the Jewish Revolt? What happened because of it?

Jewish Society and Religion in the First Century

Was Judaism a monolithic religion or community in Jesus’ life?

What were the four main sects of Judaism at this time? And what were some important characteristics of each?

However, which sect did most Jews at this time belong to?

What was common to all of these groups?

What are the “insider” and “outsider” perspective and why is it important to look at both when studying the life of Jesus?

What is the difference between a “historical” and “biblical” view of Jesus?

What are the criterion that historians look to when determining what information in the Gospels is historically reliable about Jesus’ life?

Who was Jesus baptized by?

What is an “apocalyptic prophet” and how does that term apply to Jesus?

Who did Jesus associate with?

Who did Jesus argue with?

How did Jesus die and who killed him?

What happened after his death?