How did “you” experience the “peace to end all peace” in the Middle East?

Essay, Historical empathy exercise

How did “you” experience the “peace to end all peace” in the Middle East? You have been assigned a particular perspective. Based on the information provided, write a brief memoir of “your” experiences. Consider how you would have responded to the postwar settlement and what experiences you would have had, based on your ethnic, social, and political background. You do not require a thesis for this essay. Be creative and “get into the role.”

Note: a good historian has the ability to put him/herself into the shoes of people in the past, as far as this is possible. This does not mean embracing their views but trying to understand what they thought and felt and why they thought, felt, and acted the way they did. Morally speaking, this is also an excellent exercise in understanding unfamiliar positions and, perhaps, to gain more insight into them.