How much money and staff time will be required to implement this simulation?

Cyber CEIGE Instructions (M06)

You are to investigate the possible use of a game-like simulation to improve information security awareness at CHI.

To prepare for this activity, install and use the CyberCEIGE simulation using one of the provided installation kits.

Locate the installation kit in D2L. I recommend you start with the most recent kit and use the prior kit if the installation is unsuccessful.

Download the zip file.

Uncompress the zip file.

Run the installation kit.

The password for the kit is grostolis

Run the program.

Complete the initial (training) campaign.

Complete all ‘Starting Scenarios’.

Complete at least one other scenario of your choice. You may complete additional scenarios at your own discretion.

To complete this activity, write a report to recommend (or disrecommend) this SETA tool. In the report, comment about the usefulness of this simulation tool in a SETA program at CHI, Inc. Your report should reflect on your own experiences using the simulation and it MUST answer each of the following questions:

How long did you spend using the simulation (cumulative)?

Was the simulation valuable as a learning experience for you?

Would this be a valuable learning tool for general employees at CHI, Inc.?

In what settings at CHI, Inc. might this be a valuable tool?

Which types of employees at CHI, Inc. would benefit most from using this simulation?

What will be required for the tool to be used at CHI?

How much money and staff time will be required to implement this simulation? Be sure you factor in the number of employees that you include in your recommendation.

Make a Go/Nogo recommendation on the adoption of the tool.

Write this in a short report, using complete sentences structured into well-formed paragraphs.