What are the implications for your research question-What points of your argument can this support?


Hypothesis: The main hypothesis is as follows: watching violence on television is significantly and positively correlated with aggressive behavior in children.

Annotated bibliographies are summaries of relevant research to your topic. They are a useful way to understand the topic, keep track of the relevant research, and help organize your paper. For this assignment you need to find four relevant articles and summarize them. These articles should not be more than 10 years old. The articles should help justify our hypotheses.

Your annotated bibliographies should cover the topics listed below. Try to spend about 5-7 sentences on summarizing the article (items 1-6) and 1 to 2 sentences on why it is important for your study (item 7). Entries in an annotated bibliography should begin with an APA formatted reference list entry for the article you are summarizing.

1) Briefly describe the purpose of the study (What is the question or issue being investigated?)

2) Briefly describe the key theories/terms from the literature review.

3) Describe the paper’s key hypothesis.

4) Describe the sample used in the study (where they came from/ a basic demographic if it’s important)

5) Summarize the method used (type of design, what are the key independent variables that the authors manipulated, what are the key dependent variables that they measured?)

6) Describe the most important results (what was the relationship between the key variables?)

7) What are the implications for your research question? What points of your argument can this support?