Identify the relevant information, and see problems, plot holes, or character flaws is not something that comes easy.

Script Analysis

Good story creators are hard to find. The ability to dissect a script or story, easily identify the relevant information, and see problems, plot holes, or character flaws is not something that comes easy. That’s why it’s important, as you are in beginning this process for your project, to analyze an existing script.

Additionally, you should find at least one major issue with the script (plot hole, character flaw, etc), and offer two solutions or options as to how that issue or problem can be fixed.

Good story creators are hard to find. The ability to dissect a script or story, easily identify the relevant information, and see problems, plot holes, or character flaws is not something that comes easy. That’s why it’s important, as you are in beginning this process for your project, to analyze an existing script. For this written assignment, you will first find a script from the Internet Script Database (

You make select any script you like film, television, animation. Once you find a script you like, read it all the way through. It might help to print out the script and make notes throughout. Then, you will take the script you researched/read from the online reading section and, in a 2-page analysis, dissect it.

While this is essentially an opinion paper, you want to correctly identify the following areas: Rising action Plot/Conflict Major characterizations (protagonist, antagonist, etc) Additionally, you should find at least one major issue with the script (plot hole, character flaw, etc), and offer two solutions or options as to how that issue or problem can be fixed. Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below.check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.