What could you have done, as leaders of the organization, to pivot the company to success?

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Throughout history, organizations have regularly failed. Many have failed due to their lack of innovative structure and culture. Your group has the opportunity to research an organization that has failed because it was unsuccessful in implementing innovation.

You may choose an organization of your own or one of the following: Blockbuster, Polaroid, Blackberry, Sears, Toys ‘R’ Us, Xerox, Atari, Kodak, or Borders. In this assignment, you will build a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation, excluding the title slide and references. Be sure to include presenter’s notes. In your presentation, address the following questions:

What failing organization did you choose?

What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure?

What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure?

What obstacles did the organization encounter? How were they handled?

What did the organization fail to forecast in the changing market?

What could you have done, as leaders of the organization, to pivot the company to success?