How is this aging topic being addressed at micro and macro levels of practice and policy?

Social and emotional problems and changes of elderly people age 60 and up

APA 7 format ( title page and references). make a section for each example Introduction – conclusion – overview – affected population strengths-Ethics  recommendations. And include all references.

Along with an introduction and conclusion section, topics/questions you will address in your paper include:

Overview: description of the aging topic you selected. Give a basic foundation and background, pretending the reader is not familiar with this subject.

Affected population: Impact on individuals, family, community, and society, with a focus on vulnerable or marginalized populations.

Strengths: Discuss your topic through the lens of strengths and empowerment. What “good things” can be leveraged?

Current Efforts: How is this aging topic being addressed at micro and macro levels of practice and policy?

Ethics: What controversies or concerns surround your topic? What NASW Code of Ethics principles should guide social workers who work with this issue/population?

Recommendations: what methods from your discipline and other disciplines could be used to address this topic? Include both micro and macro-level ideas.