Do you think the vulnerability(ies) exploited by the APT constitute an ethical failure by the defender? Why or why not?

The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) have been thrust into the spotlight due to their advanced tactics, techniques, procedures, and tools. These APTs are resourced unlike other types of cyber threat actors.

Your chief technology officer (CTO) has formed teams to each develop a detailed analysis and presentation of a specific APT, which she will assign to the team.

Review the APT document and respond to these questions in a 2 to 3-page eassy format

: Ethics in Cybersecurity

o Do you think the vulnerability(ies) exploited by the APT constitute an ethical failure by the defender? Why or why not?

o For the APT your group studied, were there identifiable harms to privacy or property? How are these harms linked to C-I-A? If not, what ethically significant harms could result from the scenario your group researched?

o For the APT your group studied, when the targeted organization identified the breach, was the disclosure made with transparency? Do you feel the organization acted ethically? Why or why not?