How could sodium have been decreased if your daily intake was above the recommendation of <2400 mg?

Lab 5 Fast Food

Spring 2023

In this lab, you will utilize the free online program PLATE.  Your estimated calorie needs will be calculated using this program, which you will then use to complete Lab 5.

This lab utilizes a free online government program designed to help all follow a healthier diet and way of life.  This information is then used in the lab to help you plan a day of eating out at fast food/fast casual restaurants and stay within your recommended percentages of total calories for fat, carbohydrates, protein as well as sodium.


You have a busy day ahead and will be away from home for all three meals.  You will have to rely on fast food/fast casual restaurants for all meals but would like to eat as healthy as possible.  What would be the best choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner???


Use nutrition facts/nutrient data for selected fast food/fast casual restaurants to plan all three meals.  Examples might be Chick Fil A, Panera, Whataburger, Chilis, Panda Express or any other fast food/fast casual type of restaurant. You will need to choose wisely to stay within or as close to the recommended amounts for fat, saturated fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and protein. You will calculate estimated needs below.   All work must be shown for full credit!

ALSO – regardless if you normally do not eat three meals a day, this lab requires you to include three meals.

Calculate estimated needs of nutrients according to the following recommendations using the recommended calories for YOU from Plate. Answers to be shown in table below under ESTIMATED NEEDS.

  Recommended Estimated Needs (calories)


30% of total calories

(30% x YOUR estimated calories)

Saturated Fat


<10% of total calories

(10% x YOUR estimated calories)



<2400 mg

(not calculated; recommendation for all)

        <2400 mg


50% of total calories

(50% x YOUR estimated calories)



20% of total calories

(20% x YOUR estimated calories)


Example:  1500 calories x 30% for fat calories, 1500 calories x 10% for saturated fat calories, 1500 calories x 50% for carb calories, 1500 calories x 20% for protein calories.


You will use nutrition facts from fast food or fast casual restaurants to complete the table for ONE DAY of meals/snacks.  All restaurants have information online.  Google it (or use your favorite search engine)!  You DO NOT need to fill in all lines in the table, but they are provided for your use if needed.  You are expected to record data for three meals, but only for one day!

Food Item


Calories Total Fat (grams) Saturated Fat (grams) Sodium






Name of Restaurant:            
Name of Restaurant:            
Name of Restaurant:            

Add up each column and show totals for each.  These totals will be used to complete the next page of calculations.

Calculate percentage of total calories for fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, and protein using the totals (from your day of meals) from the table on page 3.   Show all work!

Total Fat

Equation:  total grams fat x __9__calories/gm = total fat calories total fat calories ÷ total calories x 100 = % of fat calories

Saturated Fat

Equation:   total grams saturated fat x __9__calories/gm = saturated fat calories saturated fat calories ÷ total calories x 100 = % of saturated fat calories


Equation:  total grams carbohydrate x _4___calories/gm = carb calories  carb calories ÷ total calories x 100 = % of carb calories


Equation: total grams protein x _4___calories/gm = protein calories protein calories ÷ total calories x 100 = % of protein calories

How did you do? (Use the % from calculations on page 4.)

  Your Totals

(% from page 4)

Recommended Above/Below Recommendations
Total Fat as % of Calories   30% of calories  
Sat. Fat as % of Calories   <10% of calories  
Sodium (from page 2 totals)   <2400 mg  
Carbs as % of Calories   50% of calories  
Protein as % of Calories   20% of calories  


What foods provided most of the sodium for the day?

How could sodium have been decreased if your daily intake was above the recommendation of <2400 mg?

Was saturated fat <10% of total calories? If not, why??? (List the foods high in fat.)

How could the amount of fat be decreased in the daily total? What food choices could have been changed to meet the recommendations? (If you met recommendations, then note that here.)

Did you meet your recommendation for fruits and vegetables according to Plate? If not, how could you improve when eating out?

Was the majority of your protein needs met with animal proteins or from plants? How could you incorporate more plant proteins into your daily diet?

After completing this lab, do you think fast food can fit into a healthy lifestyle? Is it possible to meet your estimated calorie needs and make healthy choices at the same time? Explain why or why not

What did this lab teach you about eating meals away from home? ______________________________________________________________________________