Outlining the Lecture Here is a sample outline of the first part of the lecture.

Listening & Speaking I, 3rd Semester

Assignment 1

Listen to the Taking Notes from Activity 3, “Taking Notes,” in Chapter 3, Part 2 of Tanka & Baker (2013). 5 Marks

Outlining the Lecture Here is a sample outline of the first part of the lecture. Use your notes from Activity 3 to fill in as much information as you can. Remember to use abbreviations and symbols and write key words only. Listen again if necessary.


Date: _______________________________



Topic: Entrepreneurs


1. Intro


A. Example: __________________________________________________


B. Def. of entrep. ____________________________________________________


Il. Characteristics (similar)


A. _________________________________________________________________


1. Ex _________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________


1. Ex: _______________________________________________________________


Ill.  Background (diff)


A. _______________________________________________________________


1. Ex: _______________________________________________________________


B. Some rich some poor.


C. Many ent are ______________________________________________________


1. Ex: _________________________________________________________________


C. _________________________________________________________________


D. _________________________________________________________________


1.  Ex: _______________________________________________________________




Listen to the Balancing a Checkbookfrom Activity 3 in Chapter 3, Part 4 of Tanka & Baker (2013). 5 Marks

Balancing a Checkbook George and Martha Spendthrift have a joint checking account, that is, they share one checking account and both of them can write checks from it. Here is one page from their checkbook record. Listen as they try to balance their checkbook. Fill in the missing information.

NAME:                            George & Martha Spendthrift
ACCOUNT:                   132-98804
No Date Description Payment Deposit Balance
200 10/25 30.21 490.31
201 10/27 Electric copany 57.82
202 10/27 Time magazine
203 10/30 70.00 327.49
———– ————- ——————— —————- —————- ————-
204 11/1 Campu-Tech 125.00 202.49
205 Dr. Painless 40.00 162.49
11/1 Deposit 1234.69
206 11/2 985.18
207 11/4 VISA Payment 155.00 830.18
208 11/8 305.00 525.18
209 11/10 Traffic ticket