How did the Populists and Progressives attempt to remedy the problems wrought by industrialization and urbanization-How successful where they?

Lecture Comprehension Essay on Progressivism

This exercise tests your understanding of the lectures on Populism and Progressivism. Answer one of the questions below in the form of an essay that is three to five double-spaced typed pages. Your essay should use specific examples from the lectures as evidence for the claims you assert in your essay. The more examples you have from the lectures the stronger your essay.

When writing your essay, keep in mind that historians are concerned with change over time and causality. Reread Ramón Veloso’s chapter on Historical Causality from the unit on "What is History" for instruction on how historians try to understand and explain the past.

How did industrialization shape American society, culture, and politics from 1877 to 1920?

Describe the social, political, and economic atmosphere that gave rise to Populism and Progressivism.

How did the Populists and Progressives attempt to remedy the problems wrought by industrialization and urbanization? How successful where they?

Compare and contrast the experiences of rural and urban Americans from 1877 to 1920. Be sure to consider the social, economic, and cultural differences in your essay.