What is the relationship between homophobia, cultural heterosexism, and structural heterosexism?

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Americans

write an essay following the style and format of the file [week 7] to answer the following questions with direct quotations from the four sources.

1. What is the relationship between homophobia, cultural heterosexism, and structural heterosexism? Which pose the biggest obstacle to LGB equality and equity and why?

2. According to the article “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality,’” what is the difference between “sex” and “sexuality”? Why does the article state “prior to 1868 there were no heterosexuals”? Explain the main points of the article in your own words.

The four sources need to be used as quotations to support answer: Most importantly need quotes from part IV chapter 12 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Americans of the attached pdf textbook file.
