Why should assessment procedures often be considered when working with students or clients?

On the internet, locate 2-3 examples of school counseling needs assessments. Review each and answer the following:

Provide a description of the needs assessment you selected (you may also leave the link to the assessment in your response). What is its purpose? What type of needs assessment is presented (e.g. checklist, likert-scale, etc.)?

Based on your knowledge of informal assessments, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your examples?

Discuss cross-cultural fairness regarding the needs assessments you selected. What are issues to consider with needs assessment as it relates to cross-cultural fairness?

How can helpers be a part of the needs assessment process?
Would you use this needs assessment in your school? Why or why not?

What is needed for a good assessment of an individual?

Why should assessment procedures often be considered when working with students or clients?

Describe the importance of having an understanding of cross-cultural issues when using assessment procedures. What do these procedures look like, specifically?

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using a criterion-referenced test instead of a norm-referenced test to measure progress as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act or other high-stakes testing standards.

Explain what a grade equivalent is. What is a potential major downfall of using a grade equivalent type of score?

Identify the four different types of scales of measurement, and give examples of situations when some might be more appropriate to use than others.