complete a research paper on the topic you select so be sure it is one that interests you It will be wise to research sample research papers and formatting outlines to obtain an idea of what a research paper looks like.

HDCS1300 Ecosystem and Tech Change

For this assignment you will need to select an issue from modules 5 – 7. You will need to complete a research paper on the topic you select so be sure it is one that interests you It will be wise to research sample research papers and formatting outlines to obtain an idea of what a research paper looks like. It would also be best to start looking for research on the topic before finalizing which issue you will select for your paper to make sure you are able to find enough current reliable data.

A good research paper includes enough information on an issue without a biased approach. You will need to summarize the thoughts of the authors, as well as tie the essay back to other current research that you have found. You will need to cite a minimum of three sources, in addition to your textbook. You should use the research you find to present the readers with a general idea or background on the issue, as well as to validate or disprove the writings in the text. You should also present the advantages and disadvantages of the issue. Keep in mind, this is not a persuasive assignment so you will not need to pick one side and argue for it. You are simply informing your reader on the issue for this assignment.