What are your thoughts after hearing more about a child’s experience with these symptoms of bipolar disorder?


View the video Bipolar Disorder in Children, From the Inside—Keeping Kids Healthy; this 2012 video includes interviews with families of children with BP

(27:13; https://youtu.be/EoQM4aJY-jE )

View the video “Non-Medication Treatment of Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder” (3:44) – In this 4-minute video, Dr. Mary Fristad of Ohio State University discusses the benefits of non-medication interventions for bipolar disorder. (https://youtu.be/6vfKqde2Oro )

Complete DQ 6: By Friday midnight. Create your initial post on the DQ 6 Discussion Board in response to the following questions:

What are your thoughts after hearing more about a child’s experience with these symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Why is it important to name the disorder? What do you think of Dr. Fristad’s explanation?

What are the three key facts or concepts you learned from this chapter on pediatric bipolar disorder? Which concept did you find MOST interesting?