How has the environment, environmental access/changes affected the production of this art?

Following the museum visit (Tate Modern – Australian Aboriginal Exhibition 1992) you have to submit a reflective essay that connects your impressions, emotions, and learning from the exhibition to environmental issues (of your choice). A few guidelines to consider in order to structure your essay:
Reflective writing can be about:

● looking back at past experience to perform better in the future

● analysis, exploration and explanation of what happened and why

● usually can incorporate models, theory, or knowledge

● using academic language

● considering strengths, weaknesses, anxieties and errors — you can use personal
language to talk about observations, emotions and feelings

● constructively reflecting on yourself, event relevant to you, actions you or other have
taken (think of this in combination with 1st bullet-point)

● including evidence to support what you are saying such as causes and effects
You don’t need to avoid exploring your emotions or thoughts for the reflective essay. You need
to order them instead and present them in relation to environmental issues.
Ideas proposed in our discussion after the exhibition:

1. Depictions of life in the exhibition,

2. Materials used by artists and why,

3. Events that affected the artists

4. Artists’ own history reflections, knowledge, experiences

5. Access (to what/how/when, etc.)

6. How has the environment, environmental access/changes affected the production of this

It is a paper about the colonialism of Australian Aboriginals and the environmental issues that came with that