What is Homomorphic Encryption and what is its use case in Cloud Storage?

Homomorphic Encryption


1) Write and submit a paper on the topic “Homomorphic Encryption”

2) The submission should be written in IEEE Proceedings Manuscripts style: two
columns, single-spaced. You may find a template file at URL:

http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.htm1. It should not be
more than 2 pages long (including references and figures) and should contain an
Abstract, Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion section at the minimum.

3) Anyone who reads the paper should be able to find answers to the following

a. What is Homomorphic Encryption and what is its use case in Cloud Storage? In answering the second question you need to highlight the real world limitation of cloud data storage that homomorphic encryption can help to mitigate.

b. How to differentiate between the three main classes of Homomorphic encryption schemes i.e., Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE), Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SWHE) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)?

c. What are examples of some PHE, SWHE and FHE schemes?

d. What are some applications of homomorphic encryption?

e. What is hindering the achievement of FHE? What method in quantum computing is expected to achieve FHE?

4) Your paper should also have

a. At least 4 references

b. All of your references should be cited at least once in the body of the text
i.e., in-text or inline citation. See this link for details –

c. At least 2 of the following a graph, a table or a figure. If you choose to include a graph or a figure you must create them yourself. Do not copy images directly from another source

d. Each graph, figure or table should be numbered and have a caption. It should also be referred to and referenced at least one in the body of the text. See the link for details (Figures in your own work) – https://libraryguides.vu.edu.au/ieeereferencing/figurestablesequationsCopying the sentences directly from your references or other sources into your paper is plagiarism. Ensure that you write your summary using your own words.

5) Copying the sentences directly from your references or other sources into your
paper is plagiarism. Ensure that you write your paper using your own words.