Calculate the total earnings and total expenses (2 decimal places and appropriate sign)

Excel charts and graphs with numbers

Using your previously created Budget workbook, use as many functions you can to calculate the statistics described.

Guidelines / Requirements:

Following criteria is minimum, but you should be creative and use as much topics as you learned in this section. For the Budget and Actuals,

calculate average and total Income & Expense (2 decimal places)

calculate the total earnings and total expenses (2 decimal places and appropriate sign)

display the message “Under Income” or “Over Income” automatically based on above calculation

find the minimum, maximum expense from the list (2 decimal places)

display date / time next to the table

write formula to take input category then finds the associated value

You are planning to purchase a car that costs $15,000. The dealership is offering you financing for 5 years at 5.5% APR. Calculate the monthly payment for the car. Determine if you can afford to buy the car and display appropriate message automatically.