Explain the major assumptions/principles of Robert K. Merton’s strain theory.

Following the Original Post, students will be able to read posts by other students and must write two “Response Posts” using 250 words or more each as a reply to others on the forum (2.5 points each; 5 points total). Responses can include comments or questions about any topics discussed in posts by other students; try to engage in a dialogue to expand and share perspectives on various subjects.

Posts may be in paragraph or bullet point form but must use legible/reasonable black font (such as 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial). Because there is a possibility of technical difficulties, students are strongly encouraged to not wait until the due date to submit their work and to double-check it was posted properly; additionally, students are encouraged to back up their work in a Word document or other safe place in case an error with Canvas arises.

Part 1 (Merton’s Strain Theory):

Explain the major assumptions/principles of Robert K. Merton’s strain theory.

Discuss some of the policy implications based on Merton’s strain theory.

Part 2 (Agnew’s Strain Theory):

1. Explain the major assumptions/principles of Robert Agnew’s strain theory.

2. Discuss some of the policy implications based on Agnew’s strain theory.

Part 3 (Compare Strain Theories):

1. Compare Merton’s and Agnew’s strain theories and describe the key differences between the theories.

2. Compare Merton’s and Agnew’s strain theories and describe the strengths and limitations they have over each other.



